CityBeat’s Living Out Loud – Cincinnati Blog

{December 3, 2006}   A Dirty Old Man

dirty_old_man_painting.jpgSometimes I think I’m a dirty old man and it makes me sick.

I’m a drinker and there’s a bar downtown that I go to on some nights. The barmaid is a pretty thing – long black hair, blue eyes and a thin body. She’s always nice to me and it’s always a pleasure to see her.

Somehow I got in my head that I wanted to ask her out so one night I just started asking personal questions. She’s divorced, has a couple kids and lives over in Newport. Then I found out how old she is – 37. I’m 20 years older.

I won’t be asking her out but I wish I could. I don’t know why I’m attracted to younger women but I am. I just won’t be doing anything about it.


Julie says:

I don’t think age matters. If you’re attracted to her and if she’s attracted to you, go for it.

Jean says:

I think everyone who writes posts here is a “drinker.”

hard as nails says:

you are overreacting and you’re not a dirty old man. if you can still get it up at your age (kidding a little bit here by man) then go on a date with this chick.

Karen says:

Probably the LOL Girl would dig you. I mean she says she doesn’t like “little boys” 🙂

Babble On says:

I’m sorry, but this thought came into my head as I read Paul’s words: There’s no fool like an old fool.

Simply act your age, sir.

Matt says:

I just won’t be doing anything about it.

That’s bullshit man. If you feel something for the lady let your feelings known!

Marilyn says:

Paul, age has nothing to do with it. She’s clearly an adult and can decide for herself if she’d like to go out with you. Ask her, it can’t hurt anything in the long run. And it just could be an adventure!

Ah, you are not a dirty old man. A dirty old man is a peeping tom, or an exhibitionist, etc. You are just doing what people do: Admiring a person to whom you are attracted. Ya know?

Heather says:

Marilyn is right that your not a dirty old man.

But age does matter, and women are attracted to older men as much as older men are attracted to younger women. It’s perfectly natural.

C.A. MacConnell says:

I don’t drink booze, but I’d like to buy Jean a martini. When I was 18, I dated a guy who was 32. We had a ton in common…both artists. Age wasn’t the issue there…other issues…uh, mine. I’ve dated much older, much younger, same age, etc. Depends on me, depends on the other person, but sometimes the issue is apparent, like when one person wants a house and a 401K, and the other wants to live in a nudist resort first, and then have the house and 401K.

Barbara says:

I’m sorry, but I think the difference in their ages does matter.

I’m a divorced woman in my late 40’s and nothing makes me more disgusted than seeing an old man dating a young girl. When women get older, men want to dump them like a hot potato and go after someone younger. Older women have a lot to offer too.

Heather says:


I hear you. I’m still young, but I know my stock is going down with each passing year. My husband is a little older than me, I know his stock keeps going up.

But nature is what it is. Young women are sexy and older men are distinguished. Though a 50-something female relative of mine has been dating a 20-something guy for some time.

Now, I do think long-term relationships can be rough with a huge age difference, or any time there is an inbalance of power; one person having all the money, all the property, or all the brains.

Irene says:

I can relate to what Barbara is saying.

A few years ago, my husband dumped me for some young hottie. At the divorce proceedings, I asked him if he really wanted to go through with it. He quickly said yes.

I was depressed for months thinking I was old and undesireable – that no man would ever want me again. I was wrong. A man who I worked with took an interest in me and we started going out. In the spring, we’re going to get married.

And here’s the topper. My ex-husband got dumped by his young girlfriend and came knocking on my door wanting me to take him back. What a pleasure it was for me to tell him to get lost.

Hang in there, Barbara. What goes around comes around.

Polly says:

Give yourself some credit, Paul. A good man is hard to find and you sound like a good man.

Marilyn says:

You guys: Waitress is 37 years old, NOT a young girl!! It sounds perfectly reasonable to me…

Tate says:

Waitress is 37 years old, NOT a young girl!!

That’s right, Paul. For me, that would be much too old. I like the chicks in their 20’s.

Jean says:

Make fun of me all you want, Macconnell, I have a right to an opinion just like everybody else.

Heather says:


You have a right to every one of your negative opinions.

And every one else has a right to get tired of them.

Buster says:

For me, when a women’s breasts start to sag, it’s time to find someone younger.

Marilyn says:

Hey Buster, I KNOW! That’s just what we women do when the dude’s nutsack begins to sag. Yep, we’re just that shallow.

Sarah says:

You’re an A S S.

Amy says:

If I had your real name and address, I’d be over at your place to kick you in the nuts.

And, oh yeah, go fuck yourself.

Man of the Hour says:


You just stepped in a pile on horse shit here. You’re on your own, buddy.

Sally G. says:

Forget about stupid Buster. The asshole simply has no class.

Elly says:


I for one like older men. They’re more sensitive and know how to talk to a woman more so than kids. I’m about this barmaid’s age and if you had asked me out, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it.

C.A. MacConnell says:

Marilyn, you rock

Marilyn says:

CA, I do rock a bit, but mostly I’m an enlightened smartass! Wonder if guys think it’s a big ‘guy secret’ that their nuts succumb to gravity just as our boobs do? Busted!

Polo Stick says:

I just examined it. My nutsack appears to be in order.

Susan says:

Wonderful. Now you’re talking about nutsacks here. What’s next?

Larry Gross says:

Nutsacks. Yes, I like it. Marilyn, can you write a post on this and give us your views or should I call the LOL Girl? I think this would be an interesting read as we want to keep our readers enlightened on all subject matters.

Brenda says:

Sometimes I really hate where these comments go. Paul wrote a very thoughtful piece on a woman he likes and now we’re talking about nutsacks. All right, it’s a little funny, but it is kind of insulting to Paul’s post.

Marilyn says:

In my own defense, I originally replied thoughtfully and honestly to Paul’s post. It was only when Buster chimed in with his ridiculous commentary that I facetiously responded. Sorry if I sullied the reputation of this blog.

Larry Gross says:

Sorry if I sullied the reputation of this blog.


This blog has no reputation outside of being all over the place.

I fine the idea of a nutsack post funny. Someone’s going to write it – me, you, CA, LOL Girl, somebody.

Marilyn, it was an inspired comment. I loved it.

Marilyn says:

Well, Larry. As you know, in writing on blogs, e-mails, etc, the body language and tone are missing. It is easy to misinterpret one’s true meaning.

I’m glad you saw the humor in my response, as that was what was intended. Well, along with a bit of equality for women too (to be sure!).

I’m not sure what all would encompass a post on nutsacks, but I’ll ponder it and get back with you. At the ripe old age of 51, I’ve encountered lots o’ nutsacks!

Larry Gross says:

At the ripe old age of 51, I’ve encountered lots o’ nutsacks!


Me too! And shit, I’m older than you.

I find the idea of writing about nutsacks funny – actually balls or something else. Whatever.

Marilyn says:

Reminds me of the song by AC/DC. And buddy, you’re not much older than me… just a blink of the eye!

Anyhow, where is Paul? I wonder if he has heard and thought on the positive messages we’ve written him here?

Larry Gross says:


He told me he wasn’t going to comment – felt “strange” agreeing to write the post in the first place.

David Gallaher says:

When I first caught a glimpse of the title of this post I thought I might have written something and then forgotten about it. That’s how old I am.
But I should have realized I would have written something so pornographic Larry wouldn’t have published it in the first place.
But, speaking of nutsacks, I worked as a candy-maker in the summer in the south. I’ll never forget the graphic comments of an old fellow candy-maker there at the end of a long, very hot day. He had worked there for many years.

C.A. MacConnell says:

anybody seen Jackass Two, section called, Old Man Balls…there’s a video of it on myspace. fuckin hilarious. I’d be glad to send in the video. I’m always glad to be of assistance here.

Marilyn says:

CA, I’ve not seen any of the Jackass stuff… but see, I really don’t need to. I raised 4 children (two of mine, two of his), and I’ve seen all the jackass stuff in 3-D action!

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